SpaGypsies love to spend time in the tranquil environment of a spa. Whether it’s for relaxation, detoxification, fitness, nutrition and weight control or beauty, Spa Gypsies relish the ability to get away from it all. It can be a spiritual experience or hiking venture. Whether it’s a destination spa like Canyon Ranch or The Spa & Inn at Norwich, a great resort spa like Grand Waialua, or day spa like Elizabeth Arden’s Red Door, many of us do share our next experience with other spa wanders.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Not good for retail and travel. Many former zero balance cardholders won't take that tripU.S. credit card issuers pare lending limits | Reuters (http://ping.fm/vFO8U)
Friends and Collegues...Pleae join "b-there Fans"-meetings, events, fun! (http://ping.fm/ausin?gid=114439861236&ref=ts)
Investment in Creation of Unique Content will Drive Results Common SEO Problems of E-commerce Sites - Search Engine Watch (SEW) (http://ping.fm/DWpuu)
Wow! Accidently forgot attribution? Newspaper Content Flap Brews In Connecticut 08/31/2009 (http://ping.fm/lGMKM)
I'll b-there...Susan Black to Moderate Conversations At OpenTravel's Chicago Seminar :: Hotel Technology Resource (http://ping.fm/ywhIJ)
I totally agree: Don't hide from Trip Advisor Reviews! :: Hotel Technology Resource (http://ping.fm/25paM)
Note #7...SMB's Have become big business.7Major Trends Reshaping the U.S. Corporate Travel Landscape » PhoCusWright Connect (http://ping.fm/JPGcn)
Freemium...a good term - Evernote, a Free Storage App, Seeks More Paying Users - NYTimes.com (http://ping.fm/7TVq2)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My new blog!!! Finally after 8 years in the works: spagypsies's Profile | TypePad (http://ping.fm/APfIq)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A good article on Healthcare...Compromise...take care of those who need it, leave the rest alone-- latimes.com (http://ping.fm/khxiJ)
ExpertFlyer = airline data. Word Association And Clarity of Focus In The Search Space 08/28/2009 (http://ping.fm/ieJnf)
The Red Phone...JFK put it in...MediaPost Publications The Red Phone 08/28/2009 (http://ping.fm/kGFcW)
It raining Dollar Bills and Snapper to boot! YouTube - Spanish Wells, Bahamas Snapper Hauling and Fishing (http://ping.fm/XaHPv)
Go Italia! MediaPost Publications Italian Regulators Allege Anticompetitive Behavior By Google 08/28/2009 (http://ping.fm/WvYTe)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Unbelievable...Unions vs. Children..Joel Klein vs. New York City teachers : The New Yorker (http://ping.fm/CCVds)
Mobile Advertising will be Location Based Services � The New Buzzword in the Travel Industry (http://ping.fm/nf4Rh)
Good job, Joe! We need to know this! Top iPhone Travel Apps » PhoCusWright Connect (http://ping.fm/4DF1j)
Nine ways the Internet could change that would make Search as we know it Obsolete | Acquisio Search Blog (http://ping.fm/PCV5K)
Paying with Facebook. What next! FB Rules A Running Summary of Facebook�s Virtual Currency Tests (http://ping.fm/D3m5A)
I like this...as a consumer it is all good. Dennis Schaal Blog: Expedia Hotel Settlements Turn Lemons into Lemonade (http://ping.fm/i0qLu)
Small Biz Travel not on a decline! Individual Business Travel Expected to Be Strong :: Travel Industry Wire (http://ping.fm/y5NnM)
Interesting..Expedia Caught In American Airlines' Fight With Yahoo :: Travel Industry Wire (http://ping.fm/hLUEs)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Pros/Cons... Corporate Use of Social Networking Still an Executive Concern 08/25/2009 (http://ping.fm/USJ4Q)
Good stuff. MediaPost Publications What A Camp Counselor Can Teach You about Social Media 08/25/2009 (http://ping.fm/jXYy0)
Virtual Zippo. MediaPost Publications Zippo: From Branded App To Branded Entertainment 08/25/2009 (http://ping.fm/RrONi)
iPhone is 12% of mobile adv. impressions.MediaPost Publications iPhone Remains Top Device For Mobile Ads 08/25/2009 (http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=112222)
Fans...good and bad..MediaPost - news and directories for media, marketing and online advertising professionals (http://ping.fm/BgLeT)
I like this! Linktive tries to end the SEO gaming with a social network for site links (http://ping.fm/sVkQ5)
Seniors Engage. Is it time? LoyaltyOne - 68% of U.S. Consumers Give Loyalty Reward Program Communications Low Scores (http://www.loyalty.com/WhoWeAre/NewsReleasesItem.aspx?id=d3b03f37-8864-42f0-a37f-c7898367accc)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Pointless babble? What People Are Tweeting About - Finding the signal in the noise :: Hospitality Trends (http://ping.fm/ZHA80)
Delta move is brilliant timing. Airlines Are Sweetening Frequent-Flier Programs - NYTimes.com (http://ping.fm/sQJes)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I'm Leo. It fits. In charge of relationships.SEO Astrology: What's Your Sign Baby? | Search Engine People | Toronto (http://ping.fm/FRLNy)
Friday, August 21, 2009
SMBs use Online More! MediaPost Publications SMBs Put Deflated Ad Dollars Online 08/21/2009 (http://ping.fm/oYnon)
Good tips on blogs...9 Simple Features Your Blog Should Have | Marketing Trenches (http://ping.fm/Jb1sY)
The user owns the data; case closed.MediaPost Publications Do We Matter? 08/20/2009 (http://ping.fm/PrBnB)
Teens and Mobile Phones Over the Past Five Years: Pew Internet Looks Back | Pew Internet & American Life Project (http://ping.fm/zMaxA)
"Viral is a thing that happens, not a thing that is" SEOmoz | Early Detection: How Social Media May Save The World (http://ping.fm/FUBWN)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Remember Liquid "Blank"? Death By Discovery: The Interminable Churn Of Music Startups | paidContent (http://ping.fm/LKqLi)
Iraq and Depression and other disorders.Videos » joey pants nkm2 update » nkm2.org (http://ping.fm/Bd6Ft)
United Airlines... Does any have a heart there? �Heartless� characterization of airlines-19 August, 2009 (http://ping.fm/kffeD)
Advertise.com vs. Advertising.com. What do you think?MediaPost Publications AOL Sues Advertise.com Over Trademark 08/20/2009 (http://ping.fm/ibEwE)
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, likeMediaPost Publications A Brand's-Eye View of Behavioral Targeting 08/20/2009 (http://ping.fm/RQcPx)
66% of Marketers used Social Media in 2009 vs. 20% in 2009. ANA - New ANA/B2B Magazine Study: Marketers Embrace Newer Media Platforms (http://www.ana.net/news/content/1824)
Facebook | Peggy Lee "If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito." � Unknown (http://ping.fm/4uquB)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Airlines Ancillary Fees Reach New Low.'Pay ¿10 and then you will get your lost purse back,' Ryanair tells distraught girl | Mail Online (http://ping.fm/nxzfQ)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rearden and Concur will both announce iPhone apps at NBTA.TheBeat.travel (TheBeat_travel) on Twitter (http://ping.fm/tfuSn)
A $99.99 iPhone App...Will it sell? MediaPost Publications A $100 iPhone App For Getting Around 08/17/2009 (http://ping.fm/0jDEj)
Big Brother to the Rescue! MediaPost Publications FTC Hires Privacy Blogger 08/17/2009 (http://ping.fm/sk02g)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Like this--shares for ideas!!!Suggestion box lets staff members buy shares in ideas - Springwise (http://ping.fm/tgojy)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Where do you need to b? b-there..meetings, events, fun times.Facebook | b-there Fans (http://ping.fm/vjNLW)
I like Corky's in Memphis..among MANY others..Readers' picks: Best airport restaurants, shops and services - USATODAY.com (http://ping.fm/7wMPC)
And who pays for these Ads? Competing Ads on Health Care Plan Swamp the Airwaves - NYTimes.com (http://ping.fm/gVFCz)
What do you think? O'Reilly vs. Obama? The REAL Health Care Debate: The Obama Administration Vs Fox News | Columnists | Mediaite (http://ping.fm/Bib4E)
Bodes well for Luxury. ASMALLWORLD, High-End Social Networking Site, To Be Profitable By Q4 (http://ping.fm/88lRp)
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were walls” - Robert Cambell Hello! | Networking For Networkers - Breakfast for Champions (http://ping.fm/MU1pH)
Tech Salaries Up in 2009. All measurements. Dice.com - Job search for Technology Professionals (http://ping.fm/JjxXX)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Bill's Vision??? Over Big Mac's I think.Microsoft�s Vision of the Future (Parody) | Marketing on the Smart Web (http://ping.fm/mDG06)
This is good for informing others about the value of meetings to jobs, etc.Need a place to rant? | Face2Face (http://ping.fm/t0BBG)
Not the Hotel Penn NYC...in its bad days, it could have made the list. And the award for America�s worst hotel goes to � (http://ping.fm/Jlvz4)
b-there Reunion. If you were part of it email me and I'll invite.Facebook | b-there Alumni (http://ping.fm/PeKso?gid=114439861236&ref=ts)
This is really nice. YouTube - Matt Ryd - Poker Face (Lady GaGa cover) on ukulele (http://ping.fm/TC5Hp)
Lots of stuff happening in airline world..note Delta loyalty changes.ExpertFlyer Blog: Travel News: Southwest, JetBlue, Secure Flight, Twitter (http://ping.fm/hcQMv)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Apple vs. Google..coming soon! Matt Spangler: Apple's Big Missed Opportunity? (http://ping.fm/w7AW9)
Those not from the Travel Industry: Business Travel is a leading indicator of economic recovery. Watch American Express.. (http://ping.fm/iUTsy)
This would be great for someone traveling the USA..JetBlue: Go everywhere for $599-13 August, 2009 (http://ping.fm/QIiMp)
My friend Bret on Corporate Procurement in Asia The Beer Blog: T&E: In for a slow recovery (http://ping.fm/3qTcE)
I was always nervous in that parking garage. Been there many times. Negligent? Stamford Marriott Claims Woman Was Negligent in Her Own Rape; Hotel Being Sued by Woman Raped at Gunpoint in its Parking Garage / August 2009 (http://ping.fm/rstzI)
Sounds like a great event. I may go 1 day in SFO...I'll be there anyway...Women 2.0 » Register for Women 2.0 Startup Weekend: August 28-30 (http://ping.fm/7Lv95)
Tea Party Commercial. Very impressive for a High School kid. Facebook | Peggy Lee (http://ping.fm/Fjxws)
Tea Party Commercial. Very impressive for a High School kid. Facebook | Peggy Lee (http://ping.fm/z599h)
Yesterday was in Phillie on Biz. Had a small car accident-iphone related-Assistance from call and road Above and Beyond !Home - AAA Mid-Atlantic (http://ping.fm/4gpTO)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
You have to watch. Not my opinion but this is hillarious. Long but watch beginning and end Louisiana Gun (http://ping.fm/bQLZA)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Things like the iphone finally bringing mobile usability to the travel vertical. Offering Interactivity and Personalised Info for Mobile Trip Planning :: Travel Industry Wire (http://ping.fm/sMHJF)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Social Media Marketing: Facebook turns FriendFeed Ping.fm / Ping this! with conduit (http://ping.fm/M9LZL)
No wonder Southerners don't like the Left. Are liberals seceding from sanity? | Salon (http://ping.fm/oZs93)
Jesus is following you????The Journey - To be known as "One who seeks His face": Social Media twist � Is Jesus Christ following you? (http://ping.fm/E4GfV)
iphone apps. Find Subway Stations in NYC and Tube Staitions across the pond. AWESOME!!! Iconoculture - Consumer Research Service: Trend Observation (http://ping.fm/fTT8x)
Go Priceline go! These guys continue to be, well, SMART!!Strong Earnings for Priceline - CNBC.com (http://ping.fm/8yR8J)
A day late on this...but a day worth remembering...Celebrate National S�mores Day on August 10 in Your Own Backyard: Business Wire Business News: HSY - MSN Money (http://ping.fm/g3F1Q)
Monday, August 10, 2009
It is really about relationships. That's my secret sauce, and it's sincere--I love to build relationships. LinkedIn | i-Meet - The Social Network for People Who Plan Meetings & Events Group News (http://ping.fm/tgpin)
Good advice "invest" vs. burn". Burning Cash Is For Toasting Marshmallows [cartoon] (http://ping.fm/a7gKh)
This is dated but it is relevant. Note: ExpertFlyer and Farecase (now bing travel) at bottom. ExpertFlyer | Upgrade: Travel Better (http://ping.fm/BfGSq)
Pretty Awesome!!! Airline Awards and Upgrades. Something positive about air travel. Rare. ExpertFlyer.com Finds 2,400 Airline Awards and Upgrades for Subscribers in 2nd Quarter 2009 (http://ping.fm/p4GJW)
Rearden is ontrack to accomplish what HP, Apple, General Magic could not...A Personal Assistant for Travel...Slipstream - A Software Secretary That Takes Charge - NYTimes.com (http://ping.fm/rD4vU)
Janice Ashby Janice Ashby INVITATION to a fab series of four Garden Parties for Zimbabwe in Manhattan running from August 11th - 18th - 27th and Sep 8th. (http://ping.fm/nyUmw)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
b-there's 2nd website. Spread the word to your FB friends to join out fan club...b-there!!!acebook | Message: b-there's 2nd website (http://ping.fm/TowBK)
Must watch. Scary. What do you think about the Banking System now? YouTube - Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 1 of 5) (http://ping.fm/YGTIU)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
My new Business Development and Social Media Client. Check it out!!!Facebook | Home (http://ping.fm/wvH2T)
Like the Yankees, Bruce Bennett Nissan comes thru with the clincher...Nissan Bridgeport Connecticut | Nissan Stamford Connecticut | Nissan Waterbury Connecticut | Nissan Wilton Connecticut (http://ping.fm/4pCBw)
So the Yankees Win!!!! Your chowder may be better but your baseball team didn't make the cut! The Brookyln Chowder Surfer : Ben Sargent (http://ping.fm/tacxQ)
Yankees Fans! You had to b-there..TV or Live..join b-there Fans. A place for the winners of the world...Facebook | b-there Fans (http://ping.fm/TLxwi?gid=114439861236&ref=ts)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Just off the press: Nissan Leaf Electric Car | Nissan USA Official Site See @PeggyLee for details (http://ping.fm/NxSD5)
NBC Universal to Offer mun2 to All Distribution Partners for Free on August 12 to Increase Access to U.S.-Mexico World Cup Qualifier - U.S. Soccer (http://ping.fm/pq4Ll)
Nice! ExpertFlyer.com Finds 2,400 Airline Awards and Upgrades for Subscribers in 2nd Quarter 2009 (http://ping.fm/TAMVY)
Who makes the best Chowder? Red Sox or Yankees????Brooklyn Chowder Surfer » Blog Archive » Episode Number Thirty Four: One Crazy Sox Fan Serves Chowder @ Yankee Stadium (http://ping.fm/C3hCb)
My flights for NBTA require help from ExpertFlyer. Want and upgrade? Try it free! Flight Availability | Upgrades | Frequent Flyer Information (http://ping.fm/HH0WX)
My new client for Business Development and Social Media. Cool stuff! The Brookyln Chowder Surfer : Ben Sargent (http://ping.fm/fuwPe)
Facebook | b-there Fans Remember When? Good Times in Dot Com 1 (http://ping.fm/rb5LL?gid=114439861236&ref=ts)
We need VC support for the Early Stage Start-Up. Bootstrap Business - Entrepreneurial Spirit: Bootstrap Business - The $7m Question about early stage investment risk (http://ping.fm/ylJ3f)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Ok this is great. Follow your designer and find out who makes the knock-off. Fantasy Fashion League : My Teams & Leagues (http://ping.fm/cK6gF)
This is a great deal...done it done..think I'll do it again..NYC Restaurant Week - Participating Restaurants (http://ping.fm/qUJXj)
Need a great carpenter and craftsman? Let me know...Facebook | My Photos - Wall Photos (http://ping.fm/AYw4x)
Facebook | b-there Fans Join this group if you remember b-there or if you're in the meeting biz (http://ping.fm/sew6G)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Facebook | Videos Posted by Jill Gigante: I CANNOT STOP watching this! Crying!#/video/video.php?v=129056048416&ref=nf (http://ping.fm/QyvmL?v=129056048416&ref=nf)
Canyon Ranch - The Power of Possibility® (http://ping.fm/yUmHk New website. Nice. Thoughts? Comments?)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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